Count the number within interval range.
def build(arr):
# full binary tree represented by an array.
sz = 1
while sz < len(arr):
sz <<= 1
# tree in this case will store the count of number in this range.
tree = [0] * ((sz<<1)-1)
return tree
def update(tree, idx, arr, start, end, val):
tree[idx] += 1
if start == end: return
mid = (start+end) // 2
if val <= arr[mid]:
update(tree, idx*2+1, arr, start, mid, val)
update(tree, idx*2+2, arr, mid+1, end, val)
def query(tree, idx, arr, start, end, val):
# out of range
if val < arr[start]:
return 0
if val >= arr[end]:
return tree[idx]
# leaf node
if start == end:
return tree[idx]
mid = (start+end) // 2
if val <= arr[mid]:
return query(tree, idx*2+1, arr, start, mid, val)
return tree[idx*2+1] + query(tree, idx*2+2, arr, mid+1, end, val)
import pygraphviz
def build_nodes(nodes, tree, idx, arr, start, end):
if start == end:
#nodes[idx] = (idx, arr[end], tree[idx])
nodes[idx] = "[%d] %d" % (arr[end], tree[idx])
nodes[idx] = "[%d..%d] %d" % (arr[start], arr[end], tree[idx])
mid = (start+end) // 2
build_nodes(nodes, tree, idx*2+1, arr, start, mid)
build_nodes(nodes, tree, idx*2+2, arr, mid+1, end)
def get_graphviz_agraph(tree, arr, leaf_same_level=False):
# XXX: do not use networkx.DiGraph, because it cannot
# gurrentee the order.
G = pygraphviz.AGraph(directed=True)
G.graph_attr["rankdir"] = "TB"
G.graph_attr["splines"] = "ortho"
G.graph_attr["ordering"] = "out"
nodes = {}
build_nodes(nodes, tree, 0, arr, 0, len(arr)-1)
keys = sorted(nodes.keys())
for key in keys:
G.add_node(nodes[key], shape='box', color="blue")
for i in range(len(tree)//2):
if i*2+1 in nodes:
G.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[i*2+1], color='red', style='dashed')
if i*2+2 in nodes:
G.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[i*2+2], color='black', style='dashed')
if leaf_same_level:
G.add_subgraph([node for node in G.nodes() if ".."not in node], rank="same")
return G
#from StringIO import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
from IPython.display import Image, display
def display_graph(G):
imgbuf = BytesIO()
G.draw(imgbuf, format='png', prog='dot')
img = Image(imgbuf.getvalue())
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
nums = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(24)]
nums_sorted = list(sorted(set(nums)))
tree = build(nums_sorted)
for n in nums:
update(tree, 0, nums_sorted, 0, len(nums_sorted)-1, n)
G = get_graphviz_agraph(tree, nums_sorted)
display_graph(G) # G1
G = get_graphviz_agraph(tree, nums_sorted, leaf_same_level=True)
display_graph(G) # G2